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As a community centered on God's love, we welcome all individuals seeking baptism in the Catholic Church. Through this sacrament, we are cleansed of our sins and brought into the Church. For the baptism of children, the parents must be registered members of St. Therese and in full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church. They, along with the godparents, must also attend a Pre-Baptismal formation. For more information please call our secretary at 910-208-0058.

First Communion

First Holy Communion is a significant moment in a child's spiritual journey. It is a time when they receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Parents must be registered members of Saint Therese and the children must undergo formation in our Catechism Program prior to receiving our Lord for the first time. Please contact us to learn more about our First Communion program by calling 910-208-0058.


Confirmation is a critical step in one's faith journey as they receive the Holy Spirit and become full members of the Church. Our community offers a comprehensive Confirmation program to prepare individuals for this sacrament. Please contact us to learn more.


At Santa Teresa Del Niño Jesús/Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, we believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man, a woman, and God. The couple must be registered members of our church, request the sacrament at least 6 months in advance, and participate in a Marriage Preparation Workshop.


Confession is a sacrament of healing where we seek God's forgiveness for our sins. Our priests are available for confessions and are here to offer guidance and support. Please contact us to schedule a confession.

Anointing the Sick

We believe that God is present with us in times of illness and suffering. Through the sacrament of Anointing the Sick, we ask for God's healing and grace. The sacrament is celebrated upon request prior to surgery or at the time of illness. Please contact us at 910-208-0058 if you or a loved one requires this sacrament.

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